Medical Waste Consulting
Medical Waste Management
At Sav-On Waste Solutions we help businesses like yours reduce and contain costs for medical waste. By not hiring a medical waste consultant to audit your invoices, it is possible that you’re paying thousands of dollars more per year than you should be. Our waste consultants conduct risk-free reviews to identify hidden fees, billing errors, and provide cost-saving solutions.
Types of Medical Waste
Medical waste is generated during diagnosis, treatments, research, or immunizations of humans or animals. Typically this is in the form of disposables, discarded medicines, chemical waste, sharp objects, body fluids, bandages, swabs and more.
Hazardous Waste – Potentially harmful to humans and the environment. It is important to have the appropriate procedures and accommodations for hazardous waste.
Solid Waste – Generated typically from residential causes or commercial complexes, solid waste are things like sanitation residue, debris, living wastes, etc.
Universal Waste – Medical facilities tend to generate what is known as universal waste. These are items such as batteries, electronics, light bulbs, etc.